Welcome to Undesk
Undesk was created out of a need to design a better work lifestyle.
Today’s worker is constantly on the move — whether working remotely from home/satellite office/coffee shop, on the road, at a conference, or elsewhere. The traditional format of being chained to a desk from 9-5 is quickly disappearing and is being replaced by companies that understand roles based on performance and workers ready to embrace that change.
We’ll be sharing ways to improve your work life: how to be the most efficient out of the office, gear that helps you stay effective, software to enable you, and workspace design to help you tailor both your home and office environments to maximize productivity and comfort.
In the near future we’ll be making well designed gear and equipment available to you through our online store. It will be a great curated collection of items that will satisfy both the needs presented by a fast moving lifestyle and discerning taste.
About Me
I’m Andrew Hahn and I’ve been working in the online space for quite a number of years. From the glory days of the BBS to the modern internet community, I’ve seen firsthand how technology has been transforming the way we work.
As a self avowed tech geek my interests quickly went into human computer interaction and ways with which to improve work efficiency, improve work/life balance, and allow for more personal freedom.
I’ll be joined by some of my friends who will be sharing their domain knowledge with you.